Black and white chessboard motives women's leather motorcycle gloves from Eudoxie
A woman showing peace hand gesture with Ride like a girl words on her motorcycle gloves
A woman, Black and white chessboard motives women's leather motorcycle gloves from Eudoxie, fixing her helmet
Ride like a girl text on the Black and white chessboard motives women's leather motorcycle gloves from Eudoxie
a woman wearing Black and white chessboard motives women's leather motorcycle gloves from Eudoxie
A woman covering her face with her palms, wearing Black and white chessboard motives women's leather motorcycle gloves from Eudoxie
Black and white chessboard motives women's leather motorcycle gloves from Eudoxie on the ground
Technical bonus about Eudoxie Lizzy gloves
Black and white chessboard motives women's leather motorcycle gloves from Eudoxie
Black and white chessboard motives women's leather motorcycle gloves from Eudoxie
A woman showing peace hand gesture with Ride like a girl words on her motorcycle gloves
A woman, Black and white chessboard motives women's leather motorcycle gloves from Eudoxie, fixing her helmet
Ride like a girl text on the Black and white chessboard motives women's leather motorcycle gloves from Eudoxie
a woman wearing Black and white chessboard motives women's leather motorcycle gloves from Eudoxie
A woman covering her face with her palms, wearing Black and white chessboard motives women's leather motorcycle gloves from Eudoxie
Black and white chessboard motives women's leather motorcycle gloves from Eudoxie on the ground
Technical bonus about Eudoxie Lizzy gloves
Black and white chessboard motives women's leather motorcycle gloves from Eudoxie

LIZZY GOLD - Motorcykelhandsker i læder til kvinder

Størrelse XS

Ride Like a Girl - sjove, stilfulde og unikke læderhandsker til kvinder fra Eudoxie! Tyndt, blødt læder sikrer nem bevægelse og komfort under kørsel. Unikt design garanterer et stilfuldt udseende, og niveau 1 CE-godkendelse sikrer, at dine hænder er beskyttede og sikre, når du er på farten. 


  • Meget bløde, læderhandsker af høj kvalitet
  • Strammet ved håndleddet for bedre pasform
  • Åndbart for
  • Taktile pege- og tommelfingre
  • Fleksibel indsats til ringe
  • RIDE LIKE A GIRL motiv på fingrene ❗Vær opmærksom på, at disse bogstaver kan falde af, da det er et udvendigt klistermærke på læderet. Det påvirker dog ikke funktionaliteten eller sikkerheden af handskerne.
  • Farver: sort, hvid, guld med skakternede motiver
  • Rem til at holde handskerne på plads
  • Sikkerhed: niveau 1, godkendt i henhold til EN13594:2015


Vandtæt / vandtæt membran:

Bedst til:

  • Sommer sæson

CE sikkerhedsvurdering:

  • CE Level 1

Lær mere om sikkerhed på vores blog.

Yderskal: 100% læder

Indvendig foring: 100% polyester

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